- Get FFTW objects using a numpy.fft like interface


This module contains a set of functions that return pyfftw.FFTW objects.

The interface to create these objects is mostly the same as numpy.fft, only instead of the call returning the result of the FFT, a pyfftw.FFTW object is returned that performs that FFT operation when it is called. Users should be familiar with numpy.fft before reading on.

In the case where the shape argument, s (or n in the 1-dimensional case), dictates that the passed-in input array be copied into a different processing array, the returned object is an instance of a child class of pyfftw.FFTW, _FFTWWrapper, which wraps the call method in order to correctly perform that copying. That is, subsequent calls to the object (i.e. through __call__()) should occur with an input array that can be sliced to the same size as the expected internal array. Note that a side effect of this is that subsequent calls to the object can be made with an array that is bigger than the original (but not smaller).

Only the call method is wrapped; update_arrays() still expects an array with the correct size, alignment, dtype etc for the pyfftw.FFTW object.

When the internal input array is bigger along any axis than the input array that is passed in (due to s dictating a larger size), then the extra entries are padded with zeros. This is a one time action. If the internal input array is then extracted using pyfftw.FFTW.input_array, it is possible to persistently fill the padding space with whatever the user desires, so subsequent calls with a new input only overwrite the values that aren’t padding (even if the array that is used for the call is bigger than the original - see the point above about bigger arrays being sliced to fit).

The precision of the FFT operation is acquired from the input array. If an array is passed in that is not of float type, or is of an unknown float type, an attempt is made to convert the array to a double precision array. This results in a copy being made.

If an array of the incorrect complexity is passed in (e.g. a complex array is passed to a real transform routine, or vice-versa), then an attempt is made to convert the array to an array of the correct complexity. This results in a copy being made.

Although the array that is internal to the pyfftw.FFTW object will be correctly loaded with the values within the input array, it is not necessarily the case that the internal array is the input array. The actual internal input array can always be retrieved with pyfftw.FFTW.input_array.

The behaviour of the norm option in all builder routines matches that of the corresponding numpy functions. In short, if norm is None, then the output from the forward DFT is unscaled and the inverse DFT is scaled by 1/N, where N is the product of the lengths of input array on which the FFT is taken. If norm == 'ortho', then the output of both forward and inverse DFT operations are scaled by 1/sqrt(N).


>>> import pyfftw
>>> a = pyfftw.empty_aligned(4, dtype='complex128')
>>> fft =
>>> a[:] = [1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> fft() # returns the output
array([ 10.+0.j,  -2.+2.j,  -2.+0.j,  -2.-2.j])

More examples can be found in the tutorial.

Supported Functions and Caveats

The following functions are supported. They can be used with the same calling signature as their respective functions in numpy.fft.

Standard FFTs

Real FFTs

The first caveat is that the dtype of the input array must match the transform. For example, for fft and ifft, the dtype must be complex, for rfft it must be real, and so on. The other point to note from this is that the precision of the transform matches the precision of the input array. So, if a single precision input array is passed in, then a single precision transform will be used.

The second caveat is that repeated axes are handled differently; with the returned pyfftw.FFTW object, axes that are repeated in the axes argument are considered only once, as compared to numpy.fft in which repeated axes results in the DFT being taken along that axes as many times as the axis occurs (this is down to the underlying library).

Note that unless the auto_align_input argument to the function is set to True, the 'FFTW_UNALIGNED' flag is set in the returned pyfftw.FFTW object. This disables some of the FFTW optimisations that rely on aligned arrays. Also worth noting is that the auto_align_input flag only results in a copy when calling the resultant pyfftw.FFTW object if the input array is not already aligned correctly.

Additional Arguments

In addition to the arguments that are present with their complementary functions in numpy.fft, each of these functions also offers the following additional keyword arguments:

  • overwrite_input: Whether or not the input array can be overwritten during the transform. This sometimes results in a faster algorithm being made available. It causes the 'FFTW_DESTROY_INPUT' flag to be passed to the pyfftw.FFTW object. This flag is not offered for the multi-dimensional inverse real transforms, as FFTW is unable to not overwrite the input in that case.

  • planner_effort: A string dictating how much effort is spent in planning the FFTW routines. This is passed to the creation of the pyfftw.FFTW object as an entry in the flags list. They correspond to flags passed to the pyfftw.FFTW object.

    The valid strings, in order of their increasing impact on the time to compute are: 'FFTW_ESTIMATE', config.PLANNER_EFFORT (default), 'FFTW_PATIENT' and 'FFTW_EXHAUSTIVE'.

    The Wisdom that FFTW has accumulated or has loaded (through pyfftw.import_wisdom()) is used during the creation of pyfftw.FFTW objects.

  • threads: The number of threads used to perform the FFT.

  • auto_align_input: Correctly byte align the input array for optimal usage of vector instructions. This can lead to a substantial speedup.

    Setting this argument to True makes sure that the input array is correctly aligned. It is possible to correctly byte align the array prior to calling this function (using, for example, pyfftw.byte_align()). If and only if a realignment is necessary is a new array created. If a new array is created, it is up to the calling code to acquire that new input array using pyfftw.FFTW.input_array.

    The resultant pyfftw.FFTW object that is created will be designed to operate on arrays that are aligned. If the object is called with an unaligned array, this would result in a copy. Despite this, it may still be faster to set the auto_align_input flag and incur a copy with unaligned arrays than to set up an object that uses aligned arrays.

    It’s worth noting that just being aligned may not be sufficient to create the fastest possible transform. For example, if the array is not contiguous (i.e. certain axes have gaps in memory between slices), it may be faster to plan a transform for a contiguous array, and then rely on the array being copied in before the transform (which pyfftw.FFTW will handle for you). The auto_contiguous argument controls whether this function also takes care of making sure the array is contiguous or not.

  • auto_contiguous: Make sure the input array is contiguous in memory before performing the transform on it. If the array is not contiguous, it is copied into an interim array. This is because it is often faster to copy the data before the transform and then transform a contiguous array than it is to try to take the transform of a non-contiguous array. This is particularly true in conjunction with the auto_align_input argument which is used to make sure that the transform is taken of an aligned array.

    Like auto_align_input, If a new array is created, it is up to the calling code to acquire that new input array using pyfftw.FFTW.input_array.

  • avoid_copy: By default, these functions will always create a copy (and sometimes more than one) of the passed in input array. This is because the creation of the pyfftw.FFTW object generally destroys the contents of the input array. Setting this argument to True will try not to create a copy of the input array, likely resulting in the input array being destroyed. If it is not possible to create the object without a copy being made, a ValueError is raised.

    Example situations that require a copy, and so cause the exception to be raised when this flag is set:

    • The shape of the FFT input as dictated by s is necessarily different from the shape of the passed-in array.
    • The dtypes are incompatible with the FFT routine.
    • The auto_contiguous or auto_align flags are True and the input array is not already contiguous or aligned.

    This argument is distinct from overwrite_input in that it only influences a copy during the creation of the object. It changes no flags in the pyfftw.FFTW object.

The exceptions raised by each of these functions are as per their equivalents in numpy.fft, or as documented above.

The Functions, n=None, axis=-1, overwrite_input=False, planner_effort=None, threads=None, auto_align_input=True, auto_contiguous=True, avoid_copy=False, norm=None)

Return a pyfftw.FFTW object representing a 1D FFT.

The first three arguments are as per numpy.fft.fft(); the rest of the arguments are documented in the module docs., n=None, axis=-1, overwrite_input=False, planner_effort=None, threads=None, auto_align_input=True, auto_contiguous=True, avoid_copy=False, norm=None)

Return a pyfftw.FFTW object representing a 1D inverse FFT.

The first three arguments are as per numpy.fft.ifft(); the rest of the arguments are documented in the module docs., s=None, axes=(-2, -1), overwrite_input=False, planner_effort=None, threads=None, auto_align_input=True, auto_contiguous=True, avoid_copy=False, norm=None)

Return a pyfftw.FFTW object representing a 2D FFT.

The first three arguments are as per numpy.fft.fft2(); the rest of the arguments are documented in the module docs., s=None, axes=(-2, -1), overwrite_input=False, planner_effort=None, threads=None, auto_align_input=True, auto_contiguous=True, avoid_copy=False, norm=None)

Return a pyfftw.FFTW object representing a 2D inverse FFT.

The first three arguments are as per numpy.fft.ifft2(); the rest of the arguments are documented in the module docs., s=None, axes=None, overwrite_input=False, planner_effort=None, threads=None, auto_align_input=True, auto_contiguous=True, avoid_copy=False, norm=None)

Return a pyfftw.FFTW object representing a n-D FFT.

The first three arguments are as per numpy.fft.fftn(); the rest of the arguments are documented in the module docs., s=None, axes=None, overwrite_input=False, planner_effort=None, threads=None, auto_align_input=True, auto_contiguous=True, avoid_copy=False, norm=None)

Return a pyfftw.FFTW object representing an n-D inverse FFT.

The first three arguments are as per numpy.fft.ifftn(); the rest of the arguments are documented in the module docs., n=None, axis=-1, overwrite_input=False, planner_effort=None, threads=None, auto_align_input=True, auto_contiguous=True, avoid_copy=False, norm=None)

Return a pyfftw.FFTW object representing a 1D real FFT.

The first three arguments are as per numpy.fft.rfft(); the rest of the arguments are documented in the module docs., n=None, axis=-1, overwrite_input=False, planner_effort=None, threads=None, auto_align_input=True, auto_contiguous=True, avoid_copy=False, norm=None)

Return a pyfftw.FFTW object representing a 1D real inverse FFT.

The first three arguments are as per numpy.fft.irfft(); the rest of the arguments are documented in the module docs., s=None, axes=(-2, -1), overwrite_input=False, planner_effort=None, threads=None, auto_align_input=True, auto_contiguous=True, avoid_copy=False, norm=None)

Return a pyfftw.FFTW object representing a 2D real FFT.

The first three arguments are as per numpy.fft.rfft2(); the rest of the arguments are documented in the module docs., s=None, axes=(-2, -1), planner_effort=None, threads=None, auto_align_input=True, auto_contiguous=True, avoid_copy=False, norm=None)

Return a pyfftw.FFTW object representing a 2D real inverse FFT.

The first three arguments are as per numpy.fft.irfft2(); the rest of the arguments are documented in the module docs., s=None, axes=None, overwrite_input=False, planner_effort=None, threads=None, auto_align_input=True, auto_contiguous=True, avoid_copy=False, norm=None)

Return a pyfftw.FFTW object representing an n-D real FFT.

The first three arguments are as per numpy.fft.rfftn(); the rest of the arguments are documented in the module docs., s=None, axes=None, planner_effort=None, threads=None, auto_align_input=True, auto_contiguous=True, avoid_copy=False, norm=None)

Return a pyfftw.FFTW object representing an n-D real inverse FFT.

The first three arguments are as per numpy.fft.rfftn(); the rest of the arguments are documented in the module docs.